This output aims at developing a learning framework to integrate new technologies in adult education through project-based learning.
Specifically, the output will:
Specifically, the output will:
- Map the digital skills required for the integration of the technology into the classes in adult education at the national level for the development of training curriculum and learning scenarios/activities to be delivered to the teachers through the eLearning environment and to define the open educational resources to be used for the project works realization with the students during the piloting phase.
- Analyse and compare the assessment and evaluation systems in distance learning (formative and summative) taking into account the current trends in the use of technology in the classes for adult education.
O1/A1-A2-A3 Report on digital skills for schools in adult education
O1/A4 Report on technologies in adult education
IO1 - Framework to integrate new technologies in adult education through project-based learning